Meet the Orchestra presents your management team an exclusive experience in the midst of a professional chamber orchestra - you may even conduct yourself!
What is the format? In a relaxed and friendly atmosphere you’ll learn how a successful conductor guides the musicians in the ensemble. You’ll have the opportunity yourself to take up his conducting baton, thus creating a magic experience for you and your colleagues.
Innovative. Meet the Orchestra breaks all traditional cliches about classical music. Relaxed, engaging, a novel approach to create an unforgettable teambuilding experience…. all while you’re developing new skills!
A top level partnership. This workshop was developed in partner ship with BOHO STRINGS ( and maestro David Ramael a Belgian conductor with an international career. David approaches his craft in a contemporary and atypical fashion. The musicians in his ensemble were not only chosen for their talent, but also for the openness with which they share their passion with their audiences.
Bonus. Participants can even step into the role of the conductor and pick up the baton!
You wish to think about the diversity in your world? Take advantage of this orchestra representing 9 different nationalities!
Ideal activity for large groups
Acquire and reinforce your business skills:
Instill confidence by your posture and your physical presence
Inspire others with verbal and non-verbal communication
Solve problems in an efficient and non-confrontational manner
“Be the boss”: lead without controlling
Stay concentrated even under pressure
Make creative use of space and gestures
Acquire and reinforce your leadership skills in a unique and fun environment. You will surprise you participants.